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Mid-year Show 2021!

26th June. Otumoetai College. Windsor Road. 

Session 1


Session 2


Session 3


Session 4



Click on the question to get your answer! Easy!

  • Where are you located?
    We are located close to Tauranga City Centre at 8/47 Waihi Rd. Behind Super Cheap Auto and TGA Box! Parking: Please do not park in front of KJ Studios, but in the car park of Life Zone Church and you can walk with your dancer to the studios just around the corner. ​DO NOT PARK, OR STAY outside of KJ Studios or in any of the Car Parks around those units, parking is ONLY in Church car parks, please. ​ DROP OFF: In front of Unit 8 is now DROP OFF ONLY. 5 Min Max, and we will be kindly asking anybody who stays over this time period to leave and go find a park in the church car parks. After 6pm Cars are welcome to park and wait outside the building. All of the above is for the 3pm-6pm times, please. We thank you for following the rules and allowing us to respect all surrounding businesses. Our Staff will be kindly reminding parents of these new parking procedures during the week/if we notice parents parked and waiting in drop-off zones etc. ​ You will find our RECEPTION building in Unit 12, this is clearly marked and our amazing Front of House Manager Remma will be able to assist you to find the right studio and welcome you in! Reception is open 3.30-5.30pm Mon-Thursday!
  • The Class I want is full?
    Most of our classes do fill out! So we 100% recommend jumping onto a waitlist so you’ll be the first to know if a spot opens up for you, we work hard to make sure all dancers can get into class and if a class IS full and has a wait list, we will aim to add another class to get everybody in where possible!
  • What is the end of Year show?
    The end of year show, simply put is the BEST time of the whole year! The show is not compulsory but we promise you won’t want to miss this!
  • Does my Child have to do exams?
    No! Exams are not compulsory but many classes do work toward their yearly exams. Many classes have already been working hard over Term 1 training for the EXAMS (held, formally in Aug or Sept of each year) exams are not compulsory but a great encouragement for your dancer to put all of that hard work into something special. Exams cost extra above class payment as the examiner is flown in from Australia to watch the dancers and they are marked against the formal grading of the ATOD syllabus, meaning dancers who sit their exams get a formal and recognised certificate of completion. If your dancer does intend on sitting their exams there's a few important dates to know! ✨ Exams are usually held in August- More information will be provided as soon as the affiliations let us know. ATOD is a world wide organization that has a very high reputation for not only it’s systems of training, but also the way in which it's dance examinations are held throughout the world. Examinations with ATOD have a wonderful reputation for being an all inclusive and rewarding experience for students. Examinations are conducted in a group format and all Examiners are highly trained, professional people. Research has shown that children who participate in examinations each year gain confidence and learn important life skills. Participating in exams also provides our children with resilience, the ability to set and achieve personal goals and the knowledge of arts and it’s discipline. It allows for students to receive constructive comments and advice on how to continually improve. Students enter the exam room with their teacher in small groups. In the younger grades (Pre 1 Jazz, Pre 2 Jazz, Pre primary Ballet, Primary Ballet) the teacher is able to assist the students in the exam room. The exercises are seen in a combination of line at a time down to two at a time and are done in a relaxed yet professional way. Each students receives a comprehensive report and a medal. Children find this such a fun way of progressing through the grades and a very special keep sake for all of their hard work. ATOD also offer a 'Participation' entry meaning dancers who are not quite up to the standard of being graded can still sit their exams with the rest of their class, still receive feedback and a certificate but will not be graded within their exam.
  • How can I pay Fees?
    You can pay fees via online banking with the details sent out in your term statement, or you can sign in to your Portal and make changes/pay for fees there! We accept payment though Stripe (Debit/Credit cards) and Paypal- Easy!
  • What are your Office hours?
    Our Office/reception is open Mon-Thurs 3.30-5.30pm during each term and the amazing Remma will be there to help you with uniform and any questions!
  • How do I get into Troupes?
    We hold Auditions at the start of each year for our various troupe and Crews! Being a part of KJ Studios Troupes and Crews is the BEST growth and opportunities for our dancers! Our 2025 Troupes are already locked and loaded but email us if you want to know more!
  • Do I need to re-enroll between terms?
    Nope! Once you have enrolled a the start of the year your term enrollments automatically roll over between terms! We will be sad to see you go! Until you notify our team in writing (via email) we will assume you will be returning for the new Term and therefore you will be charged for Term fees. So please inform us if you do not wish to come back.
Yellow= Session 1 
Pink = Session 2
Blue= Session 3 
Purple= Session 4
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